Dancing Tide

by Frank Wilson
Buy the Original Painting
48.000 x 30.000 inches
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Dancing Tide
Frank Wilson
Painting - Oil On Hardboard
The original oil painting is available through my studio; Contact me to purchase or for more information.
I'm in awe of the power of the sea! Every wave that came into this tiny cove was shaped the same and broke in the same pattern and I was mesmerized by the rhythmic repetition of the waves. I had to capture this in a rather large oil painting on a hardboard panel 30" x 48".
March 26th, 2008
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Comments (22)

Danielle Parent
The lighting so well rendered into your waves and slashing water..your rocks too..really lends that 3 dementional aspect ..the golden color from the front of your canvas ..so spectacular!

Danielle Parent
OMG you are so talented..the movement of the waves, the foaming water, the lighting from the rocks ...amazing! I would love to acomplish such a master piece ..Voted Fav.

Sharon Mau
Aloha kaua Frank, congratulations on your feature in Dimensions http://fineartamerica.com/groups/dimensions.html

Sharon Mau
Aloha kaua Frank, splendid work, it is very beautiful :)) You may wish to add this beautiful work of art to the Dimensions group gallery :))

Ove Rosen
what an amazing gallery I found here :) Have to be back a day with more time. This one did immediately catch my eye! /Ove R