Autumn Brook

by Frank Wilson
Original - Sold
Not Specified
30.000 x 24.000 inches
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Autumn Brook
Frank Wilson
Painting - Oil On Hardboard Panel
The original has sold but prints are available.
This spectacular place is Bemis Brook in Crawford Notch, New Hampshire, about a half mile hike below the 140 foot Arethusa Falls waterfall. The pool was full of large brook trout. I could not wait to get back to the studio and paint this spectacular stretch of the brook in this very steep gorge.
April 9th, 2008
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Comments (10)

Donna Kennedy
Congratulations on being selected as a Featured Artist Of The Week in Glimpses Of Autumn!...L

Dora Sofia Caputo Photographic Design and Fine Art
Congratulations, Frank! Your outstanding painting of a scenic Autumn brook in New Hampshire, is being featured in the Special Featured Artists of the Week Section of the Glimpses of Autumn Homepage. Thank you for sharing your fine artwork with our Group. F/L.

John Malone
Congratulations! Your skillful and interesting painting has been FEATURED on our homepage. Well done

Faye Creel
Frank with this creation of yours, I got the feeling that I was on a footbridge looking down at the creek and seeing all of the fallen leaves on the banks. Keep up your work of being creative with oils because there are few artist left that can use oils. I have had to limit my use of the oils because I can no longer smell. Good job!