The Shell Collector

by Frank Wilson
Original - Sold
12.000 x 6.000 inches
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The Shell Collector
Frank Wilson
Painting - Oil On Hardboard
I have pleasant memories of walking along beaches and having them all to myself especially in the early morning hours or better yet in the winter. Shell collecting is at it�s best then as the beaches are deserted and winter storms bring up lots to pick from.
This 6� x 12� oil painting on hardboard is one in a series that I have done from my fond memories of my walks in the surf in solitude and peace.
September 24th, 2008
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Comments (6)

Jilian Cramb - AMothersFineArt
fabulous! Promoting in Beauty in Art's MINIMALISM discussion! + tweeting!

John Malone
Congratulations! Your skillful and interesting painting has been FEATURED on our homepage. Well done!

Michael Murphy
Frank I notice you always paint on hrdboard - I do too - we call it MDF here in uk - sounds teh same stuff eh - really had compressed papaer really I thiink - do you coat with few runs of gesso first - doyou find blending is just as good on teh hardboard? I like your work so much Frank