Raccoon Found Treasure

by Frank Wilson
Original - Sold
Not Specified
24.000 x 20.000 inches
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Raccoon Found Treasure
Frank Wilson
Painting - Oil On Hardboard
The original has sold but prints are available. The original of this painting was exhibited by invitation in the New York State Museum's South Hall Gallery in Albany, New York. This painting was made with dozens of thin, transparent layers of oil color over a carefully rendered master drawing.
The setting is an actual place, a ledge that I used to rest on while climbing the 350 feet cliffs on the south face of Owl's Head Mountain in Groton State Forest, Vermont. While there I found the nest, some broken eggs and evidence of a raccoon. It had been very windy th evening before and the nest may have blown out of the birch tree. Piecing together the puzzle led to this painting.
March 31st, 2008
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Comments (28)

Jim Cook
Tells a story! Congratulations on being selected for special feature in "Old Masters" and your previous accomplishments with this wonderful painting. L,F,Pin

Susan Brown Slizys art signature name
Frank, Congratulations and this work is really a jewel. I love the story behind the painting too. FAVL

Sharon Mau
. . Aloha Frank . . I enjoy your description very much . . congratulations on your exhibition by invitation in the New York State Museum gallery . it is wonderful . . This is so beautiful . . splendid realism . love the many fine details and wonderful natural colours . . . . you are featured in :: Dimensions ::